Electronic Workbench

New Office Section

We have added an electronic workbench for in-house research & development of electronic products. Initially, we started as a software development company back in 2022 focusing our efforts on the development of digital solutions. During one of our project explorations, we had a specific requirement to find simple RF sensors powered by CR2032 or AA batteries that are small, cheap, portable, low maintenance, programmable and able to operate for a long period of at least a year without human interventions. To our surprise, there was no turn-key solution with such a requirement in the local market. However, we did find commercial products close to our requirements in overseas markets and the cost of a single unit was a lot higher even with purchases in large quantities. Upon some research, we found out that buying the individual components and building the product and systems ourselves reduce the cost by 70%. It is much more scalable than buying from overseas vendors since we need hundreds of sensors to monitor groups of assets. We decided to invest in basic electronic tools, hardware, courses and learning materials to kickstart our research & development to build electronic products in-house for our commercial projects.